Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sleeping Times

 I used to be so annoyed that my bf liked to be awake all night and sleep during the day, but now it seems cool cuz it is like we have two separate hang out times each day. One from 8 to 11am and one from 7 to 10pm. I can kind of understand wanting to sleep during the day, because there is more pollen in the air during the day. The sun comes up, the flowers open and pollen is more abundant during the day. If I could stay awake all night I would, but ever since passing 30 I am ready for bed by like 9pm. Plus I think I would miss seeing the sun. I sleep from about 10pm to 8am. That seems a bit excessive but women usually need a lot of sleep. He sleeps from like 11 to 7 or 8pm. I have always worked during the day. He used to drive for Uber, so that is why we have opposite sleep schedules. 

It is ironic though, every guy I've been with worked nights and I worked days. Roger who I was with at 25 worked as a prison guard overnight. My ex husband worked overnight driving a fuel truck. And now Eric is a vampire too, as I like to call him. :) But the plus is then I have plenty of alone time during the day to write. Maybe that is why God keeps pairing me with vampire day time sleepers, so I still have time to write and time with Him. :)

Maybe someday we will be on the same sleeping time. 

 God bless!

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