Saturday, October 23, 2021

Chained to Your Job

Do you realize you have chained yourself to your job? What opened my eyes to this more then anything else was the music video by Katy Perry for Chained to the Rhythm. Look it up. It shows you that we are all just hamsters running on a wheel. We buy into the American dream of the house with the white picket fence. We worship marriage. We worship our kids. We worship our houses and our money. 

We think our life is perfect. We think everyone loves us, but little do we know that the corporate people we are working for don't care about us. Whatever job you have, you might think the people at the top care about you, but they probably don't, sadly. They don't respect you. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you will be free. They don't respect you because you have trapped yourself in your life of being a slave. How? With the way you eat. With the way you spend money. With the never ending list of things you want. 

You are a slave because you want to be a slave. You are a slave because you have enslaved yourself. You always want to buy that new blanket or picture or a new part for your car, so you enslave yourself. You can't quit your job because of all that stuff you just bought, or the stuff you want to buy. You can't imagine eating differently then you do now. You can't imagine spending less money. You can't turn off your desires so you stay a slave to your job. 

You are locked into the "American dream." But is it a dream? Or is the dream just an illusion? Like a mirage in the middle of the desert, you are thirsty and so you run toward a fake image. It isn't real. The only thing in this life that is real is God and serving God. Nothing else matters. Nothing else you do matters. Nothing you buy will fulfill you as much as God. Nothing you eat will make you as happy as God. Nothing you ever accomplish will make you as happy as doing what God asks you to do. No friend, spouse, pet or child will make you as happy as God. He is all you need. 

When you finally learn to say no to your other "needs" you can finally be free. 

"The truth will set you free."

May God bless you. :)

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