Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 I just watched a great testimony on YouTube of a woman who was a former witch. The title is "Ex-witch reacts to Christians Celebrating Halloween." She said she got into witchcraft after watching the movie "The Craft" in junior high. I probably saw that same movie about the same time in my life. For me the movie made me scared of witchcraft, and I knew I never wanted anything to do with it. There is one time where a girl in the witch group is being punished by the other witches and snakes and spiders are crawling all over her. I was thinking, "There is no way I would get into that if your friends are that mean." Witches don't make good friends. Not at all. 

She talked about how people get into healing crystals and don't realize that is an entry point to demonic activity and witchcraft. It starts off innocently and then it progresses. The catch and the pull witchcraft is when you have an inordinate desire for power. I am totally fine with God having all the power. When we want to have that power ourselves and to be like God, that is when people get tempted to fall into witchcraft. 

Remember, and be ok with it, that only God is God and you are not. 

If you have kids, don't let them trick or treat on Halloween. There are so many evil spirits flying around that night it's crazy. The best thing to do on Halloween would be to have a Bible study with your family at home. Play some worship music. Read the Bible aloud to your family and pray against any demonic activity that night. Trick or treating is a nice way to distract all the godly people from praying that night. But pray that your family and your city will stay protected that night. 

May God bless you. :)

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