Sunday, October 10, 2021

What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is when you are fully sealed with the Holy Spirit and you speak in tongues. For some people this experience of tongues just happens a few times. For others it is an ongoing thing that they do. Paul says that if you pray in tongues you do it to edify yourself. For me it started off sounding just like gibberish, like how a 1 year old sounds when they are trying to talk. Eventually it developed into something that sounds like an actual language. It makes sense that this is important for a believer to go through, because Jesus said we have to be born again when we get saved. It is literally a being born again, because you talk through your spirit like a child at first. Jesus said about children, "Unless you become like a child, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." The biggest key to allowing this to happen to yourself is not caring what others think of you anymore, or what you think about yourself. The smarter and more "put together" you are, the harder this will be for you. For me, it happened in a very humble time in my life. That was probably why it finally happened to me, and praise God that it did. :)

I was always curious about this as a Christian. I got saved, or so I thought I did, at age 14 and I read through the whole New Testament that year. I noticed in Acts that tongues did seem to be a big part of most people receiving the Holy Spirit and getting saved. As far as I knew, I had received the Holy Spirit, but there were no tongues. If you are confused about what I am talking about, read the book of Acts. 

I feel like God is saying I did receive the Holy Spirit at age 14 but in a very small way, and now I have a lot, lot more of the Holy Spirit. I remember my mom and I talking about tongues 5 years ago and how I was skeptical about it. She said, "Well don't you want more of God?" That got me thinking. 

The baptism of the Holy Spirit involves you getting completely filled with the Holy Spirit. In my experience I got drunk in the spirit. I was laughing a lot for about an hour with my ex husband. That is what happened at Pentecost. Others accused them of being drunk because that is what it looks like. They said, "How can we be drunk? It is only 10 in the morning." I did not have the drunk experience again after that. 

I have spoken in tongues a lot since then, mainly just when I am by myself in my room. Sometimes I don't get why I have this spiritual gift now, because I don't know what I am saying myself, but it is nice to finally have it. It is like finally getting to travel outside the U.S. or something cool like that. 

Anyways, if you want it, pray for it. Let God take over your heart. Be willing to let God in fully, and then it will fall like raindrops from heaven, and you will feel quenched finally. 

God bless!

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