Monday, October 25, 2021

Judge Not

 Be careful of people who say you can't do certain things. They are not your god. Remind them of that. For the most part that has faded in our modern world, but there are still people who want to condemn you for things you do. But "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." "Judge not lest ye be judged." Be careful of judging someone else, because then they will be overly happy to point a finger at you when you mess up in some way. 

One of my previous room mates was lesbian. I told her in the car one time, "I think God gives more grace to people depending on their situation." That is me coming a long way. I used to be very judgey about homosexuality. It still creeps me out honestly, but who I am to judge others in their sexual sins? I wouldn't want someone to judge my past sexual life. I have realized the past few years that God can be a lot more merciful then we realize, depending on the situation. 

I remember I used to always judge my brother if he was living with a girl and wasn't married to her. Now I really don't care. There are good reasons to live with someone and not get legally married. You never know if it will work out, and divorce is very expensive and very annoying. There is no Bible verse that says how people should be married. I don't think you have to do it legally. You can just say to each other that you are married, and hopefully it will work out in the long run. God willing it will. Making it legal doesn't give you anymore of a chance that it will work out then if you don't. My dad always used to say about marriage, "It's just a piece of paper." And yes, it is. 

Some people like to judge people that get tattoos. I don't think you should be covered in tattoos, but there is nothing wrong with getting a few. I don't have any simply because I don't want to go through the pain of getting one, but if I had the courage I would get a giant cross tattoo on my arm. 

Abortion is a major hot topic that Christians like to judge others about. My grandma actually had an abortion once. I heard this story from her when I was 28 and I took her out to eat. She had a boy she liked. He got her pregnant. When she realized she was pregnant she went to a doctor's house for an abortion. At that time she was planning on becoming a famous Hollywood movie star, so I guess she wasn't ready to settle down yet. The doctor literally did the procedure and then tried to get in bed with her that night. I was like my poor grandma. She also was rapped by her dad when she was 18. She went through a lot. 

As far as alcohol and pot, as long as you consume it in moderation, no one should be able to judge you for it. Neither are good for your body, but a lot of things aren't. I remember I asked a friend in college, "Do you think smoking is a sin?" She said, "Just as much as going to McDonald's every day is." That was a good word. 

Ladies, if you dress like a slut, everyone is ok to judge you. :) For real though, cover yourselves up ladies. Respect yourself. There are better way to attract a man. 

Maybe God bless you. :)

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