Sunday, October 24, 2021


 "In humility count others as more significant then yourself."

This is not easy at all. There are so many reasons why people justify hating other people. People might say, "Oh I could do that, if they were the same race as me." Ya'll know that's the truth! In the 60's there was racism against black people. Since 2001 there has been racism against Middle Eastern people. I teased my bf about that the other day. He is Jewish but I said, "You're people like to make bombs." :)

We all fear what is different from us. What if you chose to see everyone as just like you rather then different? We are all human aren't we? So we have that in common. We all try to be good. Even if we fail, we all try. Granted some people from certain races have done evil things, but people of every race have done evil things. 

This is going to sound racist, but what are black people known for? Robbing people, not tipping, smoking too much pot and hitting their woman. Sadly I have seen this stereotype in real life a lot. But if you are black, you know you can be better then that. 

What are white people known for? Molesting or verbally abusing kids, being serial killers, doing too many prescriptions, gambling too much and Lying. I know that from all my white bf's. 

What are Mexican people known for? Being broke, that's all I can think of. And smoking too much pot, which is probably why they are usually broke. :)

What are Asian people known for? Being smart mainly, but perhaps neglecting their kids because all they care about is money and working a lot. 

What are middle eastern people known for? Apparently putting bombs on airplanes. Cutting off a person's head publicly for stealing an apple etc. 

I felt like Muslims have been justified in hating us Americans. We do seem like a very godless and degenerate society. Maybe we take it too seriously when Paul said, "All things are permissible for me." Us in the U.S. take that to the extreme. I listen to music Muslim people probably wouldn't approve of. If I was Muslim, I probably would have been sentenced to death 30 times by now. I do believe they know God, but it is a more legalistic God. We all believe in the same God, but their perspective of God is very different from ours. It is good that they see the fear of God more then us Americans do. But we see God's grace more then they do. Which is better to see, grace or fear? I don't know. 

Another form of racism, politics:

What are Democrats known for? Killing babies, but they care more about the poor. I have always felt like both political parties are good for different reasons. 

What are Republicans known for? Being stuffy, rude, white people who want to tell everyone else what to do, and they spend way too much on the military and not as much on the poor. Very sad I think. 

I was racist against doctors for awhile. My first serious bf Roger died because he was on too many prescriptions. Why couldn't his doctor just say, "NO, I'm not going to let you put even more drugs into your body." But no they just loaded him up like a lab rat and it killed him. For a long time I had a hatred of doctors, until they saved my life when I needed my gall bladder out. Surgeons are great, but Primary Care Physicians seriously need to stop being drug dealers, and they know they are. I don't care how much commission you make, the blood of so many people is on your hands. How can you live with that? 

Anyways, we can all find reasons to hate others, but God wants us to love ALL people. No matter what one person from a group has done, that doesn't mean you should hate the whole group. Let it go and think about other things. 

God loves you! Now decide to go love everyone. God bless. :)

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