Thursday, October 21, 2021

Love Sucks

 Love can be difficult. The one you love can make you so frustrated at times. It almost seems easier to just be alone, but then you are alone. Is it easier to go it alone, or to have a team mate? But when you have a team mate, you feel like you have to do things together, decide things together. It is much easier to just decide what you want to do on your own; what food you want to eat, what movie you want to watch, what you want to do that day. 

It is always hard to tell how much you really love someone or how much they love you. If you don't really love someone, then why be with them? But the love can come back. The feelings of love are always fluctuating. When your lover offends you and you can't forgive them, a coldness sets in and the love is killed. Or if they seem to not be able to forgive you, you can tell they don't respect you anymore, which causes you to love them less. 

If someone doesn't respect you, it is very hard to love them. We all need respect. We all should require respect from others. It is better to have no one then to only be around people who don't respect you. 

But maybe your lover wants to respect you, but you make it difficult for them to respect you. If you want respect, be respectable. What are respectable qualities? People who are generous and loving. People who are calm and patient. People who aren't arrogant and can put others first. 

Be respectable. Then your love relationship will go better. 

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