Tuesday, February 21, 2023


There is a great video on YouTube by Pastor John MacArthur about parenting. He talks about the symptoms to prove that a child has ADHD. He said that sounds like just about every child he has ever known. I would add, especially boys. Pretty much all boys appear to have ADHD, but that is just caused by their testosterone. 

In boys only 14 years old, their testosterone can be as high as 1200. Girls at 14 will only peak at 75. No wonder why young men have a difficult time sitting still in class. It is not something that needs to be medicated. They need to join a sport of some sort, to burn off all their extra energy from testosterone. 

I suppose if boys aren't in a sport, then maybe their parents, or they themselves, feel that medication will help to calm them down. Maybe they are tired of feeling so amped up. Maybe they want to subdue their sex drive. When men are older, they might try to lower their testosterone by drinking too much. Younger men don't have that option, so medication may seem like a good solution. 

I can only imagine that it must be very hard to be a young man due to struggling with testosterone. I'm sure for older men, when it goes down, it might be a relief. 

Sports are the solution, more so than medication. Get outside and remain active. Go play frisbee. Get a job where you are forced to work your body more. That will solve most of the problems of the world, if all the men and boys would stay more active. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, the normal range of testosterone levels for females is:

Age (in years)Testosterone range (in nanograms per deciliter)
10–11< 7–44
12–16< 7–75

The range for males is higher, depending on age:

Age (in years)Testosterone range (in nanograms per deciliter)
10–11< 7–130
12–13< 7–800
14< 7–1,200
Chart excerpt from this article: 

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