Saturday, February 18, 2023

Anger Over Weight Badgering

I had a few very skinny exes that liked to badger me about my weight. The odd thing is that I'm not even that big. I have always considered myself a skinny person. It could be that they felt insecure about how skinny they were, and they wanted me to be just as skinny as them. They were both pretty much anorexic. It could be said that they had a spirit of death. Not feeding yourself is mainly caused by a spirit of death. 

So they often were trying to tell me indirectly, that I was fat and that I needed to exercise more. To one guy I said, "Who says putting laundry away isn't exercise?" The other guy didn't care as much about me exercising, but I think he wanted me to lose weight.

Before I met my ex-husband I read his dating profile. It said, "If you don't care about going to the gym a lot, don't even bother messaging me." I have never been a big gym person, but I did like sports and bike riding. I figured that made me qualified to message him. He did end up being mad I wasn't a gym rat like him. I suppose that is a major reason why things didn't work out between us. I remember at the beginning I told him that after I had a kid, my body would be shot. His reaction was, "Well that sucks!" I guess most guys don't realize that. Some women get their skinny body back after kids, but most of us don't. 

My aunt, after having a kid, got a tummy tuck. I always thought that was shocking that she felt she had to do that, because her husband was literally 350 pounds. It always angered me that she thought she had to look perfect when he was no where near looking perfect. Double standards are aggravating. 

People in general need to let each other off the hook regarding extra weight. No one will ever look perfect. What is the point? It is better to just enjoy life rather than always worry what your body looks like. It is nice to be proud of what you look like, just like you might be proud of your clean house, but you don't need to be arrogant about it. Way to many people have a body worship issue. Either they worship their own body or someone else's body. It is a person's good heart that should keep us with them, not their body. Be grateful if your mate's heart is good. That is the most important thing. Nothing else really should matter. If anything else does matter a lot to you, then you don't deserve to have someone. Just stay single. 

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