Monday, February 13, 2023

Anger at In Laws

 I found it very intriguing at the end of The Time Traveler's Wife that the husband was shot and killed by his father in law. It was an accident but still, that was a very interesting plot twist. I am sure many men have that fear over their father in laws, that they would kill them if they could. 

I have basically had 6 mother in laws. They have all attacked me in some way. The first one was through my serious boyfriend when I was 23. I would have married him, if it weren't for this one crazy night. I was playing board games with his family. All of a sudden they all attacked me for not praying in tongues. They said I wasn't saved. :( It's too bad that happened, because he would have been a great husband. 

My next kind of mother in law moved all my things by the door in her basement, as if to say I was not welcome to stay there. She hadn't even met me. She just wanted me out of there, literally for no reason. Maybe she wanted her son to just live with her forever and no one else. 

My next mother in law gossiped about me a ton and eventually stole my two daughters. 

My next almost mother in law gossiped about me some. It caused me to end things with that ex. 

The next mother in law made her son move all of his things out of my house and tried to ban him from seeing me. She just had him live in an extended stay. I still don't get why she didn't just have him go home. 

My next mother in law was mostly nice. She kind of wanted her son to not be with me, but he didn't care. 

The odd thing about all these mother in laws is that they might have liked me a lot if they really knew me, but they were dictators. They wanted what they wanted, and that was it. I could say they were like that due to feminism or just their extreme pride. None of them were actually Christian, so that was probably also why they were so cruel to me. 

I forgive them. May God help me totally forgive them. I hope your in laws treat you better and that you all are happy. 😀

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