Thursday, February 23, 2023

Bi-Polar Disorder

This condition is mainly used to describe anyone who is very emotional. Usually the older we get, the more we are able to control our emotions and have self-control. We learn that in order to function in society and keep a job, we have to control our emotions. We can't flip out on our co-workers or we will be fired. Anyone who hasn't learned self-control with their emotions probably doesn't value making money that much. 

If you want to make money, if you need to make money, you learn how to control yourself. You can't get overly stressed out and worried. No one wants to talk to a co-worker who is worried all the time. You have to at least appear totally rational and calm in order to keep any job you might want. 

The reason it is called bipolar disorder is that people in this state jump from one extreme to the other quickly. Either they are super emotional or super sluggish. The high they get could be a positive emotion. They could be super happy and then super sad. If you think about it, kids are like this. A person like this has not totally matured yet. They are still acting like a child. It's hard to say if medication will help them. Maybe a little bit. Mostly they need to learn how to grow up. Maybe they need to take on a more serious job. Maybe they should have kids. I have always said, we all function as children until we have children. Maybe they need to learn how to handle a budget. 

We all mature at our own rate. Things that happen to us can make us more or less mature. If there is some trauma that we face, it is possible to stay stuck at that age. Part of us might stay stuck as a child if we experienced abuse or some traumatic event. Of course, you can get past that eventually with good counseling and good friendships. We can all heal from anything. We just have to want to get better. 

Don't remain a child forever. Grow up at some point, so you can handle life better. For the sake of those who love you, learn to be less emotional and more mature. 

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