Friday, February 3, 2023

Demons Cause Suicide

A lot of people don't realize how powerful demons can be. Don't get overly worried about them, because they are only as powerful as you allow them to be. 

I remember at the church I was in back in high school, we did a play every Halloween called "All Hell Breaking Loose." In it there was a scene where a demon was trying to convince a teen to kill himself. There was a fake gun, and it was like the person playing the demon was spurning him on to do it. That has never happened to me, thank God, but for lots of people that is a reality in their mind. 

They might not realize it is a demon. They might just think those are their own thoughts. Or they don't realize all they have to do is say, "Spirit of suicide be gone from me now in the name of Jesus." It really is that simple. If you need to be free of any demons, that is all you need to say. Then just have faith that God will take that demon away and he will. Don't lose that faith. Hang on to the belief that God wants you to stay free, and that he will help you. 

I think a lot of people just let demons harass them, just like they let people harass them. You can say No to both controlling people and demons trying to harass you. You just need to learn to have boudaries. Just say, "No, I won't let you do that to me." If you feel anything, a spirit or a person, trying to overly control you, just say no. Don't let them have any power over you. You and God are meant to be the only beings in charge of you. 

The majority of people are just looking around for someone to control. It gives them a sense of power. If they feel insecure, it makes them feel on top of the world, especially if they can control dozens of people. Maybe they were controlled by their parents a ton. Now they want to be the one in control. They want to be the dominant one. They never could be the top dog with their parents, so now they try to be dominant in their adult relationships. Watch out for that. You don't have to be a puppet for someone else. And you certainly don't need to be a puppet for any demons. Tell them all no! You cannot and will not control me. 

In order to have the courage to do this, you have to be willing and ready to walk on your own. It seems hard for a lot of people to stand up for themselves, because they would rather endure the abuse then be lonely sometimes. I know it is hard to feel lonely, but figure out a fun hobby you love. Then you won't Need that person as much. You will be able to entertain yourself. When you need anyone too much, they can exploit you. They can easily treat you terribly. You need to appear in control of your own life, and actually be in control of your own life. Don't let the demons take over your mind and life. Don't let narcissistic, controlling people dominate you anymore. Don't let them overpower you any longer. Tell them to get lost. You can do it. 

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