Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Sleeping Pills

Psalm 4:8 

"In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."

It is very common that people have a hard time sleeping. It might be from worry and stress or not eating enough before bedtime. Maybe your bed is not very comfortable. Maybe you have to get up to use the bathroom a lot. I have that dilemma, but it is usually easy for me to go back to sleep. 

It might seem like the easiest option to just take a sleeping pill to help you sleep. I have never taken sleeping pills. I have never really needed one. I usually work pretty hard every day doing some project so sleep comes easily for me. 

Falling asleep may be harder for some due to a lack of exercise. It helps to do some kind of work every day. Clean some part of your house. It is harder to sleep if your body isn't actually tired. 

Try to not drink anything with caffeine after 5pm. Eat something that is low in sugar before bedtime. 

If your mind is racing, you have to tell it to stop at some point. Push the off button on your thoughts. If you can't stop thinking, pray about what you are thinking about. Ask God questions about anything you are worried about. Then you will have peace. 

My heart goes out to you if you have a hard time sleeping. There have been times when I got frustrated over not being able to sleep. Try to get up and do something. Listen to a YouTube video and learn something. It helps to give your brain a good work out. Write about whatever is on your mind. Some of my best writing ideas have come to me in the early morning hours. Work on an art project. You don't have to sleep every hour of the night if you aren't able to. 

You don't need pills. You need to feel at peace to help you sleep. Learn what helps you feel at peace and do that. 

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