Saturday, February 11, 2023

My Anger at Pot

I have had a lot of anger at Mary Jane, as they call it, my entire life. I have never understood it. My dad was addicted to it. He kind of encouraged my brother to get into it. I feel like it ruined both their lives. I have had many debates with my brother about how bad I think it is. He always just tells me it's healthier than drinking. To which I could have said, then don't do either, but some people cannot be reasoned with.

Both my brother and my younger step-brother had their lives ruined by their pot addiction. With my brother, my mom turned him into the cops by giving them his pipe. I don't remember what the punishment was for him. I guess she just didn't know how else to fix him. Most parents feel lost when it comes to their teens at home. 

When my brother was 29, he got kicked out of the army due to failing a drug test. He then lost his grant that he was getting to go to college. He lost a free 1k a month. I always felt like that was the worst thing that happened in his life. But maybe he wanted it to happen, because worrying about getting shipped overseas at any time would be difficult. 

With my younger step-brother, he was kicked out of his high school due to having pot in his car. This was just 5 years before pot became legal in CA. At the high school they had dog drug sniffers go around the parking lot. They could smell pot in his car. So that caused him to get kicked out. He eventually finished his GED. I always wondered if that would limit him a lot, but he is in the Navy now so that's good. 

Just this week a girl I kind of know went to jail over pot. She was smoking it in a car in her high school parking lot and got arrested. I wouldn't think that was worth it. Hopefully she learned her lesson. Why can't people just avoid pot? Why is it so alluring to so many people? I guess they want to just check out most of the time, but why? May God help all the pot lovers to find a new way to relax and unwind. And may God help the rest of us to cut them some slack and not be as angry with them. 

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