Thursday, February 2, 2023

Insecurity Causes Suicide

People age 25 to 35 are more likely to commit suicide due to unfulfilled expectations. Maybe they thought they would be living a certain life by that point, but they aren't. Maybe they never found a long term partner. Maybe they are in a job they didn't expect to be in. Maybe their kids aren't behaving like they expected their kids to behave. Maybe their college degree proved to be worthless. That can be very depressing, especially if you are still paying on student loans. 

A lot of break ups happen in that time period of life. Possibly one person doesn't want kids, so that causes a break up. Maybe the pressure of providing for a family got to be too much, so that causes a break up. Maybe another man or another woman seemed more appealing, so people get ditched for that "better option." That definitely can cause suicidal thoughts. Being rejected by someone you loved very much is not easy to deal with. Then if you are left alone and can't replace them, that is even harder. 

It is probably the hardest time in life. It is when you are trying to build your foundation. You try to pick a great house, decide how many kids to have, and try to find a career you love. There are so many decisions to make in that time. It can drive anyone to the brink of insanity. The relationship you are in is probably somewhat new, so you always wonder if they will stay with you for a long time or not. You miss how social high school and college was. You feel compelled to be in a "career" but those jobs are a lot less fun than jobs for young people. 

It can also be the greatest time in life. Raising young kids can be lots of fun. People just need to learn how to have more fun with their kids. Get lots of cute pets that you all can take care of. It's like having furry grandkids! Play hide and go seek inside the house. Go on walks as a family and bike rides. Go to parks. Your kids might get sick more, but it is worth it. Go to church and go swimming at pools. Get out and be social. Have fun. And when it is their time to start school, try to not worry about it too much. They will do ok. :)

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