Monday, February 20, 2023

Sleeping Too Much

The medication issue has affected me more over the past year, because I decided to be with a man who is on an anti-depressant. I understand why he started it. He had a hard break up 2 years ago and felt sad over that. The problem was instead of finding a new person right away, he got on the anti-depressant. I had a hard break up 4 years ago, but I was lucky enough to find a new person right away. It is much better to replace a person with another person instead of a pill. 

His medication causes him to think he needs 12 hours of sleep every day. It is frustrating for me because I don't know if he really does need 12 hours of sleep a day or not. Is his over sleeping a medication hangover, so then it doesn't matter? Or does he really need all that sleep?

When we met, he said his medication helped him not want to drink anymore. I said, "Well that is a good reason to take it." But then he started drinking too. He has quit drinking and God willing, will never start drinking ever again. Recently he wanted to also take pain pills for his back hurting. I was saying why can't he just take normal Advil? He looked up online that he shouldn't take both medications at once. I was proud of him for doing his own research on that. Taking more than one medication, in general, is always a bad idea. The issue is an ingrained mentality of always thinking the next substance will fix everything. I don't fault him too much for thinking like that, because most people these days think that way.

His dad was like that. His grandma is like that. My mom was like that. There is a pill for everything these days. If you want to sleep more, take Zoloft. If you want to be awake more, take Ritalin. Of course you could just drink coffee or wine to get the same effect, but for those who don't like coffee or wine, I suppose the pill seems more easy to take in. Maybe some want to avoid possibly staining their teeth with coffee or wine, so a pill seems like a better option.

My older brother recently was put on 4 different nerve medications for his back pain. I don't know why he wasn't just prescribed one, but his back hurt really badly. I was sympathetic about his back pain. I pulled a muscle over a year ago at work just cleaning the windows. My back muscles were in severe pain for about a week. I could barely move without feeling extreme pain. I took a week off work and just took Advil. Eventually my back felt better. I tried putting my heat pack on it, but I think that just made it worse. I should have gotten an ice pack for my back. It is always hard to know if ice or heat are better. 

Anyways, the nerve meds my brother was on made him want to sleep almost all the time. I think that made it hard for him to feel like he could try going back to work. He literally took 9 months off and had to borrow money from our mom, our uncle and take out a bank loan. He probably was leery of getting off his nerve pain meds, but he had to in order to get back to work. You can't work if you are doped up, especially with his job. He is an electrician. 

We all should only need 9 hours of sleep every night. When people sleep a lot beyond that, it is sad for most of the people around them. It seems like they have given up on life. Like they are just done. It is difficult when medications make people sleep more then they need to. If you are on a medication, are you on it because you want to be done with life? Why do you want to sleep your life away? Get up and enjoy who you get to have in your life. 

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