Saturday, February 18, 2023

Anger at Bug Infestations

I have had a mini war with bugs for the past 8 years. It all started when I felt what may have been jock itch. I guess my ex-husband passed that on to me. Then I felt bugs all over my sheets. I think the issue was me leaving the window open for too long, and I wasn't washing my comforter blanket enough. If you don't wash your top blanket every couple weeks, it is good to run it in the dryer. 

Then we went on a cruise to the Carribean. After that there seemed to be flying bugs in our apartment that were like mosquitos but I couldn't see them. I starting cleaning all the time. I felt angry at the bugs all the time. Every day I would vacuum and wash sheets and mop everywhere. What I didn't realize then was that bugs can easily come up drains. Think of the song "the itsty bitsy spider." I have since realized it helps to keep the sink drains closed and covered and the bathtub drains closed. If you want to open a window, don't keep it open for very long. There are lots of bugs that can fit in through window screens. 

I wasn't sure if the feeling of bugs was in my head at first, but it felt  intolerable. I told my mom and ex-husband, if anything would have made me suicidal, it would have been that. I got rid of all our furniture, and we slept on air mattresses. We finally moved to a new apartment. The bug issue followed us for 6 different moves. In my last house, I had put tape over the grout between the tiles, because they had laid the tiles unevenly so it hurt to walk over them. I later pulled the tape up, and there were hundreds of tiny little red bugs stuck to it. Those may have been chigger bugs. I was always trying to figure out what kind of bugs they were. I know chiggers, that you pick up in long grassy areas, are usually red bugs, probably because they get full of your blood. Ewe....

Anyways, still 8 years later, I feel those bugs sometimes. They just won't leave me alone. I take a bath every day. I change my sheets once a week. I keep my house spotless. 

God told me to get a good vacuum a month ago so I can vacuum often. That is the only way to keep them away. It is good to vacuum your entire house once a week. Bugs can get in through cracks around the doors. Who knows where else. You can check out your drain pipes in your kitchen and bathroom. If they are not sealed all the way around, use tape to make it a complete seal. 

Bugs are so annoying. I have complained to God many, many times about him creating bugs. I don't get why they exist. Hopefully someday I will stop being so annoyed by them and they will leave me alone. Pray for me y'all. I really am tired of them annoying me to no end. 

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