Monday, February 13, 2023

The Time Traveler's Wife

 I watched this movie last night. It was one of the most amazing movies I've ever seen. I felt like that movie was the story of my life for the past 13 years. Ever since I got my first serious boyfriend, every event in that movie played out in my life, other than time travel. There were infertility issues with me and two guys. There was the weird thing where he talks to his wife's younger self. That almost seemed like child molestation. So that reminded me of my step-dad and daughter.

 The premise of the movie is that his time travel is a serious problem, like any guy with a bad addiction. I have been with a few guys who had destructive addictions, and I chose to love them through that, like the woman in the movie. 

There was the issue of them knowing he would die before he did. I knew my first bf would die before he did, because God told me he would. I knew my ex-husband might die at some point. I think he has cancer now, due to his stubborn nature in regards to his smoking and all the stress he let himself feel. The main cause of cancer is horrible addictions that hurt your body, but most people act like they don't care. 

I felt her pain in the movie over not being able to have a child. Before two of my pregnancies, I was distraught over wondering if I ever would get pregnant. I wondered if both guys were fertile or not and I hoped they were. In our moder world, you never know. So many people are infertile now, and it's very sad. 

It was a great movie. Go watch it. It will blow your mind, hopefully in a good way. 

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