Sunday, February 12, 2023

Anger at Getting Fat

A lot of us often have anger over ourselves getting fat. When I was in high school I weighed 122. After having my first baby I weighed 185. I remember one time my ex said, "Maybe it's the bagels." I tried to stop eating bagels. I also gave up ice cream for a very long time. I was looking at the top selling books on Amazon. A lot of them are diet books. Why is that? Because we all get mad at ourselves for gaining weight, and we want to stop it. 

In our modern world, it is hard to not gain weight. All our food now is so amazing. Every day now my man goes and gets me take out from somewhere special for lunch. That has been very nice. I keep thinking though, how fat is this going to make me? But we all need to eat. I am in my final 3 months of pregnancy so it's good for me to eat more now. If I let myself get too hungry, I get the most horrible heartburn. It is so annoying and painful. I fully support all women just having one child, because pregnancy is not necessarily fun. 

I have tried many things throughout my life to stay skinny. I used to have the best bikes ever, and I loved riding around while listening to my I-pod. Ah those were fun days. One time I rode my bike for probably 25 miles down to the beach and back. It was partly just to see if I could do it. When I was younger, I played a lot of basketball. Starting in 4th grade I was all about basketball until I was 22. I stopped playing after that, but then I got into riding my bike a ton. 

Us older people easily gain weight, because we stop doing active things like that. It isn't easy to be active when you are pregnant, so that is when the weight gain happens for women. Men usually gain weight because they eat terrible food. I have tried hard to get any guy I was with to eat fruits and veggies. It has pretty much never worked. One guy I was with liked eating veggies, but he didn't work out. 😪

Soda is the worst for putting more weight on. The first time I had a fast weight gain issue was when I started drinking soda more. I was working at Pizza Hut doing delivery driving. In order to stay awake, I would drink a couple sodas in my shift. I also got lots of free food there, which was great. But then I gained like 40 pounds working there. 

If you want to lose weight, pray about it. Pray for contentment. The most effective way to lose weight is just to eat less. If there is any food that you get tempted to eat a lot of, get rid of it and don't buy it. "All things in moderation" is the best thing to do. 

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