Friday, February 10, 2023

Anger Over Lazy Behavior

I used to get so angry over any guy I lived with who enjoyed playing video games a lot. I didn't understand them. There is no point. You are exerting lots of effort with no pay-off. You don't get money to do it, and you aren't investing in learning anything to make your relationships better. It is just useless and meaningless fun. 

My ex-husband used to stay awake on his nights off till like 3am playing his football video game. He said he needed to "maintain his schedule" since he worked nights. I always tried to not get angry about it, because that made a little sense to me. But he could have caught up on sleep on his nights off. He would complain about being tired a lot, and I would think, "Then stop staying up late on your nights off." 

My step-dad loved to play World of Warcraft. If he wasn't working, he was almost always playing that. It used to drive me crazy. I just didn't get how a person could sit for 4 hours doing what appeared to be nothing. Then my step-brother lived with us, and he would play it 24/7 it seemed. He didn't take college classes and didn't work. He just played that game. Finally, he joined the Navy 5 years after high school. I was thinking, thank you Jesus. 

I never could understand those guys, because I have tried to do something productive every hour of my day my entire life. Of course it could be said that I have the opposite issue. I don't know how to cut loose and just have fun. For some reason I have this internal expectation that I always have something important to do. I know there is always something I could be doing to help others. In college, my favorite professor would always tell us the verse, "To whom much is given, much is required." That verse stuck with me a lot, and it really rang true to me. He knew we were the smartest kids in that college. He knew all that we could be capable of. He just wanted to remind us, every time he saw us, that we needed to become something great. He would always tell us we could change the world. It was very encouraging. 

And now I will say that to you. You can change the world. Don't waste your life. There is some gift that you have that the world needs. Don't hide your light under a lamp. What are you good at? What calling do you feel God has given you? Use your talents to save the lost and reverse all the evil out there. Get busy living or get busy dying right? But don't get busy dying, just get busy living. :)

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