Friday, February 10, 2023

Turn Hatred into Love

Romans 12:21 

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

"In your anger, do not sin." Meaning, don't let your anger get the best of you. Don't let that anger take over your soul. Do not be overcome by the possible evil that is in your anger. Instead of hating whoever you are mad at, try loving them instead. Find the opposite strategy. Maybe you can love them into changing, rather than yelling at them to change. You are probably angry because there is something they are doing that you don't like. Maybe there is an evil that they are stuck in. Don't make the evil worse by letting your anger get the best of you. That can cause you to ruin your relationship with them. 

When my ex was losing his mind 4 years ago, I was literally yelling at him to try and make him get his mind back. I think I was only adding fuel to the fire. I was just making all the evil inside him worse. It seemed like he had Schizophrenia, but I knew it was caused by demons messing with his mind. Instead of remaining calm, as I should have, I was letting the evil overwhelm me too. I should have loved him gently back into sanity, but I didn't know how to do that. If you have been around someone who is going crazy, you know you have no idea how to help them. If they had a physical wound, you would take them to the ER, but it was his mind that was getting broken. I hope I didn't break his mind even more from my anger. 

I just didn't understand. Why couldn't he just think normally? There are a lot of things in life you can't control, and you just have to let it go. You might have to let that person go. "Let go and let God" do the miracle they need. If they never get better, at least you didn't ruin the rest of your life trying to fix them. Some people are impossible to help, because they want to stay sick. 

When Jesus healed a paralyzed man, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?" He asked him that because some who are sick, in any way, literally don't want to get better. They love the sympathy. As long as you give them sympathy, they might just stay sick, because they soak in the attention. They don't have the faith to get better. They don't want to have faith to get better, because there is an advantage in their sickness. The only possible solution is to withdraw your attention, and they might realize they need to change. As long as their sickness benefits them, they won't want to get better. 

If you are sick, you should desire to get better. Do it for those around you, if not for yourself. You shouldn't just milk the system forever. At some point you ought to feel inclined to pay those back who helped you so much. Don't just take and take. Give back at some point. Get well so that you can help others, the way they have helped you. 

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