Saturday, February 11, 2023

Religious Debates

Almost all Christians fight over religious differences, which is quite sad really. We are supposed to all believe the exact same things, but we don't, and we get super mad about it at times. In college I was what is called an Arminianist, which means I believe in free will. I don't think people are arbitrarily pre-destined to heaven or hell without any decision on their part. Other people are Calvinists. They believe, no matter what you decide, you are destined to heaven or hell and you can't change your destiny. I had a college class where it was me versus everyone else and we debated that subject for 3 hours. I was thinking if that was true, what is the point of missions work? It made me sad that more of them didn't believe the way I did on that topic. 

Another debate a lot of Christians have is if salvation can be lost. I have had this disagreement with my mom for a while. I think she hates that teaching so much, because it is possible that she lost her salvation. Can she get it back? I don't know. 

I had several debates with my ex-husband that made us both feel very frustrated. He was all about people being slain in the spirit at church. I have felt God tell me usually that is demonic. It is inspired by demons. The force that causes people to fall backward is a demon, not the Holy Spirit, but tons of "Christians" believe whatever they want to believe. They want the cause to be the Holy Spirit, so they simply believe that it is. They are led by their own fleshly desires rather than by God, but they think they are led by God. They get up on their high horse and think they are God's anointed people, so you can't teach them anything, because they already know everything. 

My ex and I also used to argue over the gift of tongues a lot. I would point out that it is supposed to have an interpreter, as it says in the Bible. He didn't seem to care about those verses. He would pray in tongues anytime he wanted to but it freaked me out, honestly, because I didn't know what he was saying. Then I got tongues and I am less scared of the gift now, but I still think there should be an interpreter any time you use the gift around other people. That is what the Bible says, and that is what should happen. 

There are debates, or heated arguments, in churches over a pre-trib or post-trib rapture. I have found it is hard to say for sure either way. There are verses that seem to indicate either of those views. 

What is the point to debating religious differences? You might convince the other person of your side of things, but you very well might not. Just let people believe what they want to believe. If they don't see things your way, oh well. Talk about something else. 

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