Thursday, February 2, 2023

Where Suicides Go

 The common thought in our culture is that people who commit suicide automatically go to hell. There actually is no Bible verse that directly says that. There is a verse that indirectly says that. "If anyone destroys his body, God will destroy him." If I knew Greek I could understand that better. It could be read as, "If anyone kills themselves, God will kill them." Does that mean hell is inevitable for anyone who kills themselves? I don't think it is a law set in stone. God judges each of us by taking our entire life into account. If suicide seemed like our only option due to various reasons, God will try to  understand. 

Keep in mind, there is the verse, "God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. With any temptation, he will provide a way out." That verse is for sure talking about suicide. God promises to help you not want to kill yourself. He will not let things become unbearable for you. This is his promise, that he will not allow you to be pushed to the edge. 

There are two stories in the Bible about suicide. Judas, who betrayed Jesus, killed himself. This could imply that only evil people who are full of guilt end up killing themselves. It is hard to judge if that is always true. There is also the story of the jail guard who almost killed himself in Acts 16. Paul stopped him from committing suicide and said they did not leave the jail. An angel had opened the prison doors for Paul and Silas. The jail guard may have feared being tortured as punishment if all the prisoners escaped. After this incident, the guard and his entire family were saved. Was that man an evil person? Probably not. Jail guards are usually very good people. 

Anyone has the potential to commit suicide given the right circumstances. It is knowing we can all be weak in this way that keeps us holding tightly to God, hopefully. Hold on to God forever so you will never want to end your life. You never need to feel alone. God is always there, hoping to talk to you. He will give you many things to live for. Just ask him what he needs you to do with your life and do it. Take your eyes off your own pain, and try to help others heal. It is in giving that you will receive. Be blessed y'all. 😁

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