Sunday, February 26, 2023

Comfort Foods

The biggest way that we all medicate ourselves is with comfort food. What are the main comfort foods? Chips, cookies, brownies, candy and ice cream. Of course this doesn't have to ever cause problems for us if we eat all these things in moderation. It is only in excess that these foods become an issue. I don't think God would want us to totally avoid comfort food. The Bible says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." 

I am currently 7 months pregnant, so I feel like I have to feed myself almost constantly. I get tired of healthy food, so it's nice to have some comfort food. It is good to have rules for yourself with comfort food though. If you have a bowl of ice cream, try just doing that once a week. If you eat cookies, try to limit yourself to like 6. If you eat candy, try to just eat small amounts. It is bad for your body to eat candy as easily and quickly as you might eat normal food. 

I had never seen someone pig out on candy before. When I married my ex-husband, I saw him do it a few times. He would eat chocolate bars the way most people would just eat bread. It was almost instantly gone. I was appalled honestly, and somewhat disgusted. He for sure knew how to pig out. 

It is nice to eat junk food responsibly. If you eat too much, you will just want to throw up. If you enjoy a little, it makes you happy and can give you more energy. Try to find the balance in how you eat it, so you can be more proud of yourself and how you eat.  

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