Saturday, February 11, 2023

Money Fights

A lot of men get angry with their wives if they order too much stuff online. I have always thought, if the bills are paid on time, it should be ok. Of course, it is ideal to have a limit. Try only spending $60 a week online, whether it's groceries or fun stuff, I like to call it. If you have more extra money, then more could be spent per week. Whatever amount you feel at peace about spending should be ok. 

Ordering things online can be wonderful. It saves you the hassle of going out. You can ask your man to get certain things, but sometimes he gets the wrong thing. 

Of course, there tends to be an unsaid dialogue between couples. The man might think, "Don't you love me? Why are you spending so much money?" And the woman at the same time is thinking, "Don't you love me? Why won't you let me spend money?" This is why many women prefer to work rather than stay home with their kids, so they have their own money to spend. A better solution is the woman can just have self-control and stick to a firm limit of how much to spend every week. 

It can also become an issue when it is used to get revenge. The man might do things that aggravate the woman. Then she decides to express her anger at him through buying more things. It is her form of getting drunk to get back at him. With my ex-husband, I was mad at him for 7 years that he refused to quit smoking. I then felt like it was ok to order tons of fun things online. Of course, I also did it to distract myself from his annoying addiction. 

Try to not get into money wars. Both of you want certain things. As long as you both can have self-control in how much you want, there won't be money stress in the relationship. Probably the number one cause of divorce is money stress. Try to avoid that if you can. 

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