Thursday, February 16, 2023

Anger at Overbearing Parents

I was watching an interview with Drew Barrymore last night. I was appalled to find out her mom put her in a psychiatric hospital for 2 years starting when she was 14. I thought I had a mean mom. 

My mom had my older brother committed when he was 18, but just for a month. She thought he was suicidal, so she was worried about him. 

Every parent I've heard about totally messed up in some way with their kids. My ex-husband was put on Ritalin from the time he was about 10. My brother was put on Ritalin starting around age 7. Ritalin is the legal equal of cocaine. I was never put on meds, thank God. My mom said a few times she thought I had ADHD and wanted me to get on something. I simply said back, "Then how do I get straight A's in school if I have ADHD?" I think she just wanted me to be medicated like her and our whole family. 

She was always trying to find something wrong with everyone. I found it to be so annoying. With my oldest daughter, my mom felt strongly that she needed speech therapy. I felt that the way she talked was just fine. I resented my mom implying that my girl was not intelligent in any way. To me it seemed like she was cursing her with her lack of faith. She said my oldest reminded her a lot of my older brother. I think my mom was just off in her head. She assumed my oldest would end up like my big brother, but assuming makes an ass out of you and me, and it kind of made me want her to be done with being a grandma to my girls. I wish I would have carried out my feeling on that, because it was a year after that when my daughter was molested by my step-dad. 

I think her criticism of her first child, my older brother, was just because he didn't measure up to being like her older brother. My uncle was a genius. He played piano perfectly at a young age. But her brother had her parents for parents. My brother only had my dad, and my dad was an idiot. The only reason I turned out as smart as I did was because of my grandma and my youth pastor inspiring me. 

I was talking to an ex about doing a road trip with my mom years ago. He said, "I'm sure anyone you end up with will tell you to stay away from your mom. So this could be a nice last trip with her."

I feel compelled to say at least one thing good about her. Even though my mom always thought everyone needed help from some kind of doctor, she also believed in church and God to help us all. So that was very good. Obviously every person does need help in some way, because we have sin. But I feel God is the only cure for that, not doctors, but that is my opinion. I am glad my mom raised me to love and respect God from an early age. I think she is as healthy as she is now because of her involvement in church, and I can say the same for myself. 

Proverbs 23:22

"Listen to your father, who gave you life,

  And do not despise your mother when she is old."

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